Sunday, May 23, 2004

So whatcha whatcha whatcha want

I forgot about the Beastie Boys. Seriously. I just sort of forgot that they existed. Sure, I still have two of their albums somewhere in my collection, and their colorful rhymes still take up space in my brain that could be better put to use, say, remembering exam dates or birthdays. I mean, come on, do I really need "I'll stirfry you in my wok"** in my head for the rest of my days? But I had forgotten them...until tonight. I randomly ran into some live concert of theirs, shot in artsy black and white, on what I think is a local station here in St. Louis. And it looked like a damn lot of fun. It's hard to tell from here, but it seemed like they put on a good show.

It's funny also how music can so quickly bring back vivid memories of other times in your life. In The Quad sophomore year at Oberlin, we listened to our fair share of Beastie Boys, along with tons of Radiohead and the Beatles' "Oh Darling" on repeat. But we got our share of the Boys, and hearing them tonight instantly brought me back to the late nights and bad smells of living with three other college guys.

**Actual Beastie Boys lyric


At 10:24 PM, Blogger aaron said...

As one of those boys...I must say Radiohead and Beatles, Beastie Boys and Jeff Buckley are my second year at Oberlin. It's amazing how powerful music can be. Also, that quad was fucking badass. I still cannot believe what a great place that was. Man. Alright, time to move along. But still...that place was PIMPED out (to use the current vernacular).


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