Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Punched in the gut

My car radio got swiped last night. Well, not the entire stereo so much, just the removable face plate. What the jerko who stole the face plate is going to do with it, I have no idea. But at least it caused me pain and suffering. It really makes you feel like crap, something like that happening. I was looking at people suspiciously all night, wondering if they had done it. It makes you feel violated, unsafe. It was my fault, I left the front door unlocked. I guess my assumption that I lived in a safe neighborhood need to be re-thought. Now everywhere I drive, it's just silent. And it's killing me! If I end up driving to Oberlin for Commencement/Reunion in May, I'm going to have to make other arrangements. Anyone have any idea what a face plate will cost me?


At 1:36 PM, Blogger aaron said...

Damn, that's shitty. And you were so good about keeping it locked up, as I recall. How seriously are you considering going back for reunion? I'm debating whether I want to go or not.


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