Thursday, May 26, 2005


-Kia and I leave for Oberlin, OH, 44074, bright and early tomorrow. ETA is about 6pm. If anyone is remotely in the area, I would love to see you. Especially you, Metalhead Ben. I hope we can renew our casual acquaintenceship this weekend. In preparation for the trip, I've been learning stick shift for Kia's Saab. I'm happy to report that I made some good progress last night, apart from stalling numerous times at one stop sign, forcing the people behind me to go around. I think once I'm on the highway it should be smooth sailing. And Oberlin should be fun.

-I completed my subject matter oral exam on Monday. Lots of reading over many months for a 90 minute conversation with some faculty. It went pretty well. Very relieved that it's over.

-Went to a Cardinals game Tuesday night. They played the Pirates, which now marks the second time I've seen St. Louis play Pittsburgh out of the three times I've been to a Cardinals game. It seems sort of random to me that I've seen them play Pittsburgh on two separate occassions, but what can you do. The Pirates scored their only run of the game on a 1st inning solo home run. The Cards scored their only run until the 12th inning on a throwing error. Needless to say, most of the group I was with left before the end, but I and a few hardy others stayed until the bitter end, when a ground ball squeaked through the infield in the bottom of the 12th and won it for St. Louis. This is why they serve beer at baseball games. Then on the train ride back, some guys on our platform (the westbound platform) started taunting people on the other platform with chants like "Eastbound sucks!" This is why they shouldn't serve beer at baseball games.

-More reasons to love iTunes: perusing the playlists of other people in the psych department, I found one that would take 3.7 days to complete. Yes, this is something iTunes will tell you. Starting with the first song and going to the last would take you 3.7 days. Fantastic statistic.


At 10:40 PM, Blogger tal said...

Oh sure, steal my joke. "This is why they shouldn't serve beer at baseball games." Please, ho. I've read your blog, like, twice, & already I catch you ripping me off? I bet if I dig through the archives it'll be one big Yarkoni quote server...

At 8:32 AM, Blogger neilgray said...

'fantastic statistic'

i see a really crappy high-school punk band waiting to happen...


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