Monday, February 20, 2006

Ruminations on music

-Kia recently had a revelation: she said she realized that my taste in music was like (insert loud clanging obnoxious sounds) and her taste in music was (insert soft, angelic, soft rock sounds). I didn't used to think this, but it is actually possible to co-exist with someone who listens to country music and soft rock. The trick is to never be in the same place...I kid! I kid because I love.

-The only two shows that I wanted to go to at The Pageant sold out in about 15 minutes. I think some people around here are starved for music. I've been here two and a half years and have found two decent venues for music. Granted, I haven't checked out a lot of the blues places, so I still need to do that. But still, two decent venues. A sad state of affairs.

-Guitar learning has been side-tracked by a busted string. And the attempt to fix said string resulted in another busted string. Note to self: must learn to correctly replace busted strings.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger ABJ said...

a little from column A, a little from column B. she enjoys johnny cash too, which is a plus.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

busted guitar strings ey? i don't think that's no bryan adams she's playing


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