Sunday, July 01, 2007


A while back, Kia bought what we have come to lovingly call Steve . Steve is basically an IPod knockoff, same basic thing for about half the price. And it didn't come with a fancy name like IPod, so Kia decided on Steve. So Steve it was, and Steve it shall be.

More recently, we joined a local gym. It's a nice place, has a pool and a basketball court, in addition to the usual weight room and treadmills and such. And it's not somewhere with a lot of meatheads walking around. Just a good place to burn off some extra energy.

The other day, Kia let me use Steve while I was working out. I tuned it to the "Rawk Workout Mix" and let me tell you - when you've got your headphones on, with the right song playing, your whole workout turns into a Nike commercial. Like yesterday, while listening to Steve, Baba O'Riley by the Who came on, and it's like everything I did, everything around me, became more interesting, dramatic, an epic struggle. You know, you're sitting there on one of the machines, taking a breather, and the first few bars of the synthesizer start playing, and all of a sudden the guy on the treadmill looks like a hero, the lady on the stairmaster is overcoming incredible odds, and you, sitting there sweating on some weight machine, are a god among men. It's amazing what a soundtrack can do for some of the more mundane things in life.


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