Sunday, May 23, 2004

Red Sox Rant #1

In the header of this blog, I promised Red Sox Rants...well, I promised a lot of things, including midwestern oddities, psychological phenomena, the joys and sorrows of higher education, and a whole lotta nothin', and so far all I've really delivered on is the latter part. But here I go, tackling the bohemoth (sp?) of the Sox. This is less of a rant and more of a pleasant appraisal of the state of affairs so far. Hey, they're in first, by a game and a half over the Yankees. Can't complain so far. They haven't completely lived up to all the expectations, but how could they?? It was the busiest, craziest, most active baseball offseason ever. They almost got A-Rod, but seriously -- who wants a guy with a phallace for a name? He's over-rated. Give me Nomahhhhh any day.

The other thing about the Sox so far is the Drama. The Sox this year are Drama. They are rock stars and they embrace that with everything they have. Just look at Johnny Damon. He looked like Jesus for the first third of the season, then shaved the beard in a charity event. Manny Ramirez just missed a road game to go to Miami to become a US citizen. Nomar is married to women's soccer star Mia Hamm. I think next Pedro Martinez should come out with a book. I don't know what about, but somehow that would seem appropriate. Maybe he could call it, "Throwing Down 75-Year-Old Men for Dummies".


At 10:26 PM, Blogger aaron said...

I wish Pedro were gay. It'd make for such a cool couple of weeks. Because you know anyone who gave him shit about it...he'd bean.

Or maybe Kevin Millar could have the John Kruk testicular cancer..just for spice.

Go Sox...though mainly just because I don't like the Yankees. The Sox are to baseball what John Kerry is to politics. An entity I should by all rights really like, but one that in actuality receives my support as a slight to some other monster. Plus they never win, and I like underdogs


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