Sunday, September 05, 2004

More reasons to love Jersey

Watching Garden State last night, I discovered something: Zach Braff listens to the same music that I do. That was kind of cool. There's even a scene where he first meets Natalie Portman (aww yeah) and introduces him to the Shins. Although that's not really how I first heard of them (as far as I remember), there were definitely lots of parts of the movie that resonated with me. The sort of post-college, not really sure what you're doing with your life yet, coming back to your hometown and seeing people you've known since you were a kid kind of feeling was familiar. Comparisons have been made to The Graduate, which I think were somewhat accurate. Overall, I think I'd see it again, especially since the guy who plays Bilbo Baggins in Lord of the Rings plays the dad.

Another similarity: Zach Braff has a blog. I think this is a sign. Of what, I don't know.


At 6:22 PM, Blogger sierradave said...

This is what I hate about ABJ: we lived together for two years. We were very close friends. I know that *I* personally, was there for him through tough times, and I suppose the reverse is true as well.

But does Beej ever tell *me* about the Shins? No. I have to find out about them years later through a (tremendously good) movie. Same thing happened with Nickel Creek, Lauren Hill, and a few other artists. Half of the really good music I own, I later find out that he knew about all along and never had the decency to tell me about. Jerk!

At 11:11 AM, Blogger ABJ said...

Oh, I'm sorry Dave, I didn't realize it was my job to hand feed you all the good music that you should be listening to. I figured it was just a lost cause when you started listening (and dancing) to swing. Come to think of it, I'd prefer you don't listen to the music I like.

Additionally, what took you so long to comment on my blog, sucka? Where have you been? God, I hate you!!!

Don't you miss the days when we could trash on each other in person? Miss you, man.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger ABJ said...

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