Wednesday, September 01, 2004


I'm certain that I slaughtered the spelling of that word, but rather than confirm this, I've decided to remain blissfully unaware. This is a recount of some things on the table lately:

Kia's just started taking an architecture class and a design course for her program in interior design. It's kind of funny, because one day she wants to throw away my copies of Rolling Stone, and the next she wants them for a scrap book project. And she has to learn a whole new way of writing for architecture, even though she's not going to be an architect. So she writes rows and rows of alphabets, A through Z, plus a couple of other random characters, like %. Shopping lists, too. It's weird to see ketchup and toilet paper written on the fridge in perfectly symmetric uppercase characters.

In other news.....Indians 22, Yankees 0. That's just too sweet for words. I'll sit on this one and just sort of feel the glow. I've heard people say that a loss like that will just get the Yankees fired up and make them play better. Ummhmm. Whatever helps you sleep at night, knowing that Steinbrenner just watched you get your heads handed to you by a middle-of-the-road team from Cleveland.

And I started classes again today, although didn't actually have any of my own. I went to the class I'm going to be a TA for, Experimental Psychology. I get to make undergrads understand the lovely concepts of construct validity, reliability, and semantic priming. And I went to a seminar on ethics, which we're required to attend once a month for the first two years of grad school. This month's gripping topic: Use of human subjects.

Final thought: Televised poker? I mean, what? Why? How? It's still unclear to me how people can watch it. It's not for the eye candy, that's for sure. Have you seen some of those guys? It's obvious that they don't get away from the table much. Anyway, I thought maybe someone could clear that one up for me.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger aaron said...

Poker on tv is sorta interesting. But you're right those guys are hideous. They look as though they've been chewed on by larger poker players.


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