Saturday, December 03, 2005

Peace in the Middle East

I decided to peruse the website for the Middle East, a bar/restaurant/music club in Cambridge, MA, where I spent many happy, sweaty, eardrum-destroying hours in my teens. A great venue, small enough to be close to the stage, but big enough to attract some good bands.

I decided to share with you some of the more intruguing acts coming up at the Middle East. If you're in the area, I'd recommend you go, if for no other reason than to satisfy my curiosity:

-Beatallica ("Beatles meet Metallica"): Yeah, I'm pretty sure those are two things that shouldn't ever meet, or communicate in any way. And yet, it might be GREAT.

-Lez Zeppellin ("All girls, all Zep"): Sounds almost as good as Mandonna.

-Wheatus: just cuz they did that awesomely bad "Teenage Dirtbag" song, and they just did a great remake of "Hit me with your best shot". What's not to love?

-Dinosaur Jr.: just cuz they're STILL AROUND


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn;t see that Spin article on Lez Zeppelin, I take it? There are also all girl tribute bands like AC/DShe, and Cheap Chick. I also once heard Jeff Tweedy say that he hopes to one day hear about an all girl Wilco tribute band, Wilca...


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