Saturday, March 25, 2006

I don't have a title for this post

Wedding plans continue. I've already posted about the idiosyncrasies of registering for gifts. Today, it was looking through books of poetry for potential pieces to be read during the ceremony. Notice I used the term pieces and not poems. It means I'm cultured. It's like at the symphony. Those are called pieces too. At a jazz concert, they're tunes.

Right, so we're sitting there in the poetry aisle, looking for potential good poem-type stuff to read, and I come across one that I just had to share. The title is: After Drinking All Night with a Friend, We Go Out in a Boat at Dawn to See Who Can Write the Best Poem." Great title. Makes me want to like poetry. It's by a guy named Robert Bly. Intrigued, I looked up more poems that he has written. They include "It's Hard for Some Men to Finish Sentences" and "Lullaby of the Onion." I think I love poetry.

Also, have you ever used that tooth whitening stuff, where you stick this gross piece of plastic on your teeth for half an hour and then remove it, only to find that your teeth are not any whiter, but do have the added benefit of now being covered in a thin layer of sludge, not unlike glue? Yeah, well I've experienced that for the first time recently.

Lastly, I was disappointed that Washington lost to Connecticut last night, despite the fact that I have UConn winning it all in my pool. Why? Because Washington features the usual contingent of big, muscular, athletic-looking guys, and in the middle of all of them is this little white guy with blonde, curly hair who strikes me as looking most like Harpo Marx. You can decide for yourself.


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he does kind of look like garrett


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