Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Like me, only cheesier

In trying to find my blog online, Kia utilized our favorite friend, Google. She typed in "aaron bonner-jackson blog", and discovered that someone with the name "BonnerJackson Aaron" is quite active on dozens (literally dozens) of blogs, sprinkling wisdom and knowledge around like so much birdseed on the path of life that may never be taken again. Here is an assortment of what we found from this guy:

-"Ethics is not necessarily the handmaiden of theology" -- I don't even know what the hell that means.

-"Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly" -- Em....alright.

-"It is never a mistake to say good-bye" -- What kind of advice is that??

-"It's safer to play with a man's wife than with his cliches" -- Whoa. I'm not touching that one.

-"There are no weird people - some just require more understanding" -- Not true. I've met some truly weird people, and no amount of understanding could understand them.

There are tons more. At this point, I'm pretty sure it's just a program that puts together words that sound deep or insightful, but actually aren't. Talking about ethics and understanding usually sounds deep. I just don't know how this program -- or whatever it is -- ended up with what is so close to my name. I have a pretty strange name. And I thought I was the only one! So to the fortune cookie writer who is doing this, give me my name back, and stop posting trite, pithy crap. Thank you.


At 2:36 PM, Blogger jkd said...

You found me out, ABJ. It is I, JKD, who has been posting as BonnerJackson Aaron, trying desperately to reduce the credibility of you and all other three-letter-initial'd name-havers. Don't even ask what I've been doing to Isaac Deter-Wolf.

At 12:42 AM, Blogger ABJ said...

JKD, you bastard! I knew it was you all along.


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