Monday, April 11, 2005

Weekend Update

On Saturday, Kia and I saw a production of "Into the Woods" at Wash U. Some pretty good stuff, particularly the sets. Definitely better than the version my 8th grade class did. For example, their cow actually looked like...a cow. Ours, unfortunately, did not. And in this version, Cinderella's mother was played by someone who could conceivably be believed to be Cinderella's mother, as opposed to our version, in which Cinderella's mother was played by a 14-year-old boy. I guess we were going for the whole Elizabethan theater approach, with young boys playing women's roles. Yeah. But it was nice to see the show again and hear the music.

Yesterday, being a gorgeous day, we decided to do what any logical person would do on such a day: play mini golf. Mini golf is the same as putt-putt, for those of you who are confused. Unfortunately, we did not keep score, so I'll never know if I avenged my crushing defeat from this summer in Maine, but I know I had one hole-in-one, and she had none, so there. And I got a hole-in-one on the last hole, too, which won me a free round of mini golf and a free mini concrete from Ted Drewes. Ted Drewes is a famous frozen custard place here, and a concrete is frozen custard with a bunch of stuff mixed in. It's pretty much people's favorite thing here, besides BBQ. So after my mini golf triumph, I decided to give the batting cages a shot. I went for the 60 MPH cage, not too slow but not blisteringly fast. The first go around was pretty lame. I swung and missed a lot, and pretty much just gave myself a blister. But after some adjustments, I was able to give a few good cracks. I almost hit the "Cubs Stink" sign too. I wonder if I would have won anything for that? I was feeling pretty good about myself, until a girl about 12 years old came into the cage after me. That robbed me of any dignity I may have had up until that point.

And tomorrow is Kia's birthday. 25. I figure after the ring, I'm pretty much set for a while, but I thought I might get a clown to come to the door and sing happy birthday or something. What, bad idea?

Oh, and it's Opening Day at Fenway. Sox are 2-4. But they get their World Series rings today, right under the Yankees' noses. It's a long season. Don't panic. In the interest of preventing this from being the first official Red Sox Rant of the year, I'll stop here.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger aaron said...

Batting cages are wonderous. When I was lonely and sad, stuck in ohio between jobs I went to the batting cage every day religiously for a couple of weeks. I swung till I bled. It was great. By the end my switch hitting form had returned up to speeds of 72, and right handed to 80. I felt so fucking badass. You too can feel like that. Just have to give up lots of other stuff...and hit everyday...and be a total loser.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger ABJ said...

It's surprisingly satisfying, especially when you really catch one and it goes far. I'm going to work my way up to 70 MPH, and then maybe 80.


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