Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Three and out

Tonight, Kia and I celebrated our three year anniversary, which began one fateful night back in the old apartment in Rockville. Ahh, the old Rockville apartment. So many memories...actually, not so many memories. Fewer than you'd think. Too many parties, I guess. But good times all the same.

Anyway, it's been three years, and I realized recently that this is going to be the last time that we celebrate this date in any formal way. After next June 18th, August 23rd will just seem less important. Still valid and noteworthy, and with a fair amount nostalgia attached, but without the life-changing significance of an event that will forever be etched in your mind. Maybe it's how you felt about your skateboard after you learned to drive. I don't know. I never owned a skateboard. The point is, it's weird that all of a sudden, a date that used to be quite important fades into the background and will most likely be forgotten in the not-too-distant future. I'm sure if we ask each other five years from now when our "dating anniversary" was, neither will know. But three years -- it's quite something.

Oh, and the herbal supplements I took did nothing.


At 7:02 AM, Blogger aaron said...

Congrats on the three year anniversary. Here's to many more.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh. My parents still remember their dating anniversary and it's been...39 years? Christ. That's a lot of years.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger neilgray said...

meh, you'll be lucky if you can remember your wedding anniversery in five years.... (if TV and sunday morning comics have taught be anything. Which they haven't.)


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