Sunday, June 20, 2004

For the man who needs no campaign...

I wish I could post pictures on here, because this would be one time I'd really love to. Kia and I were driving today to a park that was strangely elusive, so much so that it required a stop at Steak n' Shake to refuel. On our whirlwind tour of suburban St. Louis, we saw a green yard sign, much like you'd see for a political candidate, sitting in a yard. It read, simply, "Jesus". A few houses later, there was another one. Sitting in the yard. Just "Jesus". Nothing else.

This struck me as funny for some reason, probably because I pictured it as an actual campaign sign, rather than simply a demonstration of faith on the part of the homeowner, which I'm sure it was. But I couldn't shake this idea of "Campaign 2004" for Savior of the Universe, or whatever Jesus would be running for. You'd see all sorts of smear attacks by the other candidates, claiming that he never REALLY walked on water, and that the whole "water into wine thing" was just a publicity stunt. And sure, he may have healed hundreds of lepers and cared for the sick and be the son of God and everything, but how is he going to handle foreign policy and a humungous deficit?

I could also picture the potential voters in this completely fabricated election that my mind created. Some of course would be completely for Jesus, all the way. They would most likely be the ones with the green signs on their lawns. Others would swing the other way and be totally against him. And some probably wouldn't care, as long as he knocked out the incumbent: "Anyone but Satan" (ooooh, that's good satire)

Funny that I saw this on Father's Day. I'm not sure why.


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