Wednesday, July 07, 2004

No beer and no TV make Aaron......something something.

Another brutal bitch-ass storm hit St. Louis Monday night, conveniently right as my utlimate team was getting off the field after a 15-13 win. We fled in the face of the clouds that were about to consume us. One guy mentioned the idea of building an ark. That wouldn't have been a bad idea.

On my ride home, the sky to my left was totally dark: death and destruction. The sky to my right was just the opposite: bright and orange, except in a sort of eerie, creepy way, like it was the apocalypse or something. Luckily, I got home before bad stuff started to happen. The next day, all kinds of trees were down in my neighborhood. Very lucky, too, that none of them hit our apartment or cars, although a tree hitting my car would most likely represent an improvement.

But the major upshot of all of this: cable is out. No internet. No TV. Actually, that's not true. We do get one channel. So this morning, I treated myself to about 5 minutes of Montel. His guest was a woman who claimed to be clairvoyant or have contact with the dead or something. An audience member said that she was separated from her husband and asked if they were going to get divorced. The woman said yes. Brilliant.

So this is me with no TV. Luckily, I did have beer. Good beer. It's called Schlafly (pronounced "Shlaa-fleee"). It's brewed in St. Louis. It makes me feel like a real local. And it makes me feel like I'm sticking it to "The Man" (Budweiser) by not drinking their beer, even though they're also locally brewed. Based solely on taste, Schlafly kicks some serious Budweiser ass. It takes those Bud frogs, and a few of the Clydesdales, and mixes them up into a shake that it drinks before a workout. If you get the chance, I recommend you try one.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger aaron said...

I'm with you on sticking it to the man. I live in the land of Coors (both the beer and the candidate) and I have pledged to not drink a drop while here. I have also pledged to not drink Bud or Miller. I'm going all beer snobby while in the land of the micro brewery.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...August, me, and a six pack of thats what I call a vacation...D$


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