Saturday, October 16, 2004

Notes from the most important Sox game of the season

-Stephen King, an avid Red Sox fan, is in attendance tonight at Fenway. Appropriate, as it has the potential to become horrifying for Sox fans. Horrifying. Ha.

-It was mentioned that Derek Jeter and Tom Brady are very similar athletes. If that doesn't make you wretch, I don't know what will.

-I've realized that the atmosphere so far in this series has seemed a little flat, and then it dawned on me what was missing: fights. There have been no brawls so far. Come on, people. With hockey on strike, fill the void. Give the people what they want.

-Oh: I'M GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!! Game 4, St. Louis. Standing room only. Unreal. I won a lottery for the opportunity to buy tickets. No matter who it is, it will be incredible. If it doesn't turn out to be the Sox, I'll have even more incentive to root for the Cards.

-The Sox just tied it at 6. The game has taken an hour and a half so far. It's only the third inning. I'm getting too old for this. More later.


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