Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thoughts on opening night

I haven't posted in a while. Mostly, I blame that on the death of our hard drive. Very sad. Sometime between last Thursday night and Friday morning, our little guy (or girl...who can say?) bit the dust. Most everything was replaceable, except for all the pictures. Those I think we'll miss a lot. But we're back in business today. New hard drive, starting fresh, a clean slate.

In other news, I decided this year not to get a parking pass for school. These things are about $360 per year, and I can definitely think of better things to do with a dollar a day than spend it on crappy parking. This doesn't sound like interesting news, and it's not really, except for the fact that it now requires me to park far away and walk to campus like the undergrads. So it sort of feels like college again, which is fun, and today on my walk from my car to campus I had the distinct pleasure of walking past some MO-PIRG people holding out clipboards and asking "Hi there, do you have a minute today for the environment?" This is where a cell phone REALLY comes in handy. You can very easily walk right by someone like that and just sort of shake your head if you appear to be deep in conversation with someone. Dave, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that I snubbed PIRG for you. Actually, my first reaction was, "PIRG is here too???" But now I'm prepared.

As I write, the Pats are beginning their 3-peat journey. Bring on the season.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger aaron said...

I say we adopt a new rule. everytime a PIRG person approaches have to call dave. Not sure what this accomplishes, beyond annoying Dave and avoiding PIRGers, but then those are both good goals


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