Friday, October 22, 2004

Upon further review...

A couple of days of quiet reflection and distance has not dulled the orgasmic excitement that the recent events have produced. If anything, they have only heightened the high and emphasized the importance that this epic comeback has had on the city of Boston and Red Sox Nation nationwide. Exhibit A is here, an inspirational video documenting some of Game 7. If anything, it only strenghtens my resolve to go to Busch Stadium next Wednesday night and make a big ruckus about my boys. And if you think I'm going to give up the baseball topic and shut up about this anytime soon, go elsewhere for your blogging needs. It's all Sox all the time, up until Halloween if need be. Now I think I'll go impulse-buy a Sox ALCS Champions T-Shirt online.


At 4:51 PM, Blogger Jen said...

"Well at least now I know who I'm rooting for if St. Louis gets to the World Series. That would have been awkward and all, rooting for Boston in St. Louis. No problem now. Get me a Pujols jersey and a glove and I'm all set." --ABJ, 10/17/04

I like how quickly you gave up the pretense that you might have had a genuine conflict about who to root for. I mean seriously, ABJ. I've been a Sockette (?) long enough to know to strenuously avoid any expression of optimism about the prognosis of our boys, but there was NO WAY IN HELL that you, or I, or any other self-respecting just-outside-of-Bostonian was ever going to cheer AGAINST the Red Sox in the WORLD SERIES. The defense-mechanisms of self-preservation may run deep, but by the time Game 4 rolls around, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with anything that could dissuade you from cheering for our little band of idiots and cowboys.


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