Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Seeing Red

How can 58 MILLION people be so foolish? How is it that we have been fooled again by a man and an administration so clearly unfit to rule? In the glorious words of W himself, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you won't fool......uh......we won't be fooled again." But we were. The idea that the majority of this country chose the current leader, the status quo, over ANY CHANGE AT ALL is beyond me. I can't get inside the heads of people who see things as going well. It's just absurd when you think about it.

I'm no politico, and admitedly I have really no basis for saying this, but wouldn't it be good for the Dems to get another candidate from the south, as opposed to one of these stodgy liberal intellectuals from the north, to run again? Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the last two democratics presidents have been Clinton and Carter, both from the south. Arguably, Gore was from the south (Tennessee), but he didn't exude that "everyman" feel very well. We need an everyman.

And on that note, I heard lots of people saying that they liked Bush in the debates, BECAUSE HE SOUNDED LIKE A REGULAR GUY. I don't know about you, but frankly I don't really want a "regular guy" running the country, with his hand in reach of the big red nuke button, deciding whether women get abortions and gay people get to be together. I want a really SMART guy, who thinks things through and uses evidence and logic to come to rational decisions. That's who I want. I like regular guys too. I just don't want them to run the USA.

Well, here's to hope for the future.

Obama in 2012!


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