Monday, December 26, 2005

The rundown

In the past few days, I have:

-seen "The Squid and the Whale"
-witnessed Johnny Damon's wretched first Yankees press conference
-stayed indoors for nearly 48 hours straight
-acquired some good music (My Morning Jacket, Yo La Tengo, Beck, Death Cab to be exact)
-begun reading a book my sister loaned to me, which is by the guy who wrote Everything is Illuminated.
-come in a disappointing 7th place in one of my fantasy football leagues
-gone to a soup party
-seen various family friends and people I've known for many years

On that last point, I find it really interesting to see people year after year and see how I interact with them differently. It's these people who I've known for as long as I can remember, and sometimes I don't realize how much I've changed or how differently I see things until I have this sort of barometer to measure it against.


At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found this site. I'm a New Yorker who was a St. Louisan for a while before moving back East. I'll be checking in periodically because I'm very nostalgic for "the Loo" and all of the things that made it a fun place to live for 7 years.


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