Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Goin' to the chapel

I returned from my week-long stint in Rochester last night, actually a little later than I thought, since I took Continental up on their offer to fly me anywhere for free if I took a later flight. And went through Detroit. On the way there, I had second thoughts since, after all, I was going through Detroit. I was pleasantly surprised. The terminal, whichever one I was deposited at, was pretty posh. Huge screen TVs, a little mini subway that went from one end of the terminal to the other, stuff written in Japanese...I could have done worse. After all, I had just been in Cleveland. So basically, it was a big midwest tour for me on the way home -- Cleveland, Detroit, and finally, St. Louis. It's good to be back. And I just retrieved my dogs, who are currently wiped out from their week at the doggie hotel.

Many wedding plans were made and clarified this week. All in all, wedding coordinators were questioned, officiants were queried, photographers were examined, DJs were spun right round baby right round, bakers were grilled, centerpieces were assembled, rings were oogled, invitation prototypes were constructed, guest lists were pondered, tuxes were considered, dresses were modeled, sites were viewed, menus were perused, and many, many miles were traveled. I can't believe it's 5 months away.

Other notables from the past week:

-I saw more of "The Office," the BBC version. I finally got to see the big Christmas party finale. Tim and Dawn! YES! That was the finale, right?

-I used two different Arby's restrooms in the Rochester area without purchasing anything from either one. Suck it, Arby's.

-I came into contact with (I believe) my first real live Akita (it's a dog). Kia's twin sister, Kristin, was keeping it for a while until it could go to a rescue shelter. Her name was Mika. She was huge. Actually, probably no bigger than my dog Moose, but I think it was her head that so daunting. I actually thought she might fall over due to the vastness of her head.

-I realized that I am decidedly bad at Pictionary. Actually, let me clarify. I am decidedly bad at drawing in Pictionary. I think it is because of my revolutionary artistic style (i.e., suckiness). No one can decifer it. I'm just misunderstood in my time. I am, however, far better at guessing. I am also better at Taboo than Pictionary.

-Football. Good game between USC and Texas. It actually lived up to the hype. And my Pats march onto Denver. People seem to be looking past them to Indianapolis. I wouldn't do that.


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